The International Institute for Deinoostrics

What DNT Can Do For You

What Is Deinoostrics

Deinoostrics (DNT) is a set of ideas, practices, and mental techniques designed to synchronize three dynamics of human existence to achieve a pre-determined goal or result. When implemented properly, Deinoostrics has shown to produce permanent lifestyle changes. 

Otis Marks II, Ph.D, the founder of the International Institute for Deinoostriology, coined Deinoostrics from the Greek stems “Dei” meaning Deity, Noos (Nous), meaning mind, and “Treis”, meaning Three.

Deinoostrics is categorized within the social sciences as behavioral engineering.  It establishes the ability for control and power within one’s personal reality.

Deinoostrics systematically teaches how to combine elements within the human experience in a series of three dynamics; three levels of consciousness, three laws of existence, three realms of existence, and three levels of personal power.

DNT Creates Winners!

"Unlock the door that creates realities from dreams;
Unlock the door that maximizes self esteem.

Unlock the door that leads to happiness & inner peace;
Unlock the door that releases energy that never cease.

Unlock the door that eliminates pain;
Unlock the door that produces enormous gain.

Unlock the door which will bring out your best;
Unlock the door which produces success.

Unlock the door in which there is no fear;
Unlock the door where purpose becomes clear.

Unlock the door to physical & mental health;
Unlock the door to material wealth."

DNT is the KEY.

Imagine The Possibilities!!!

Clinical studies have shown that DNT is most effective and produces permenant lifestyle changes in the following areas:

   Weight Loss               Physical Fitness             Increase  Wealth                    Eliminate Depression             Self Esteem              
   Mental Health             Eliminate Stress             Eliminate  Fears                     Personal Relationships          Increase Happiness

Discover  Purpose    Self Discipline                 Eliminate Pain                        Eliminate Bad Habits              Increase Willpower
   Self Actualization      Goal Attainment             Increase Energy                     Slow Aging                              Sexual Dysfunctions

   Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD)       Pre-Traumatic Stress Syndrome   Spiritual Development

Contact Us for information on how you can benefit from Deinoostrics for your specific needs.  For information on how to attend or schedule a seminar, Keynote presentation, or lecture, contact our main offices toll free at 1-800-881-9528                                       


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